All-on-4® Smile Makeover

All-on-4 Dallas, TX

All-on-4® is a dental procedure that allows people to get back their smile and confidence in a day. Missing teeth have many negative effects on oral health. The condition influences how individuals chew, talk, and smile and even leads to bone deterioration. With this innovative dental restoration option, the dentist can provide a brilliant smile makeover using only four strategically placed dental implants to support a complete set of replacement teeth.

How the All-on-4® system works

The ingenious restoration comprises four dental implants positioned at strategic locations on the jaw to anchor a full set of fixed prosthetic teeth. The dentist takes impressions of the patient’s oral cavity to fabricate the replacement teeth specifically for the patient. A surgical procedure in the dental office is required to place the implants. Once the final dental restoration is attached, the smile makeover process is complete.

The benefits of All-on-4®

This system for restoring teeth has many advantages over conventional dentures or using single implants to replace every missing tooth in the mouth. The support the implants provide prevents the fully functional replacement teeth from slipping when talking or eating, which is a common problem that many denture wearers usually face. This means there are no restrictions on the foods the wearer can chew. The implants are stable in the jaw and can withstand the force required to eat any desired meal.

Once the procedure is complete, the final restoration has the appearance of natural teeth, and most people will not be able to tell the difference. Patients can brush their teeth as usual without having to remove the denture or use special solutions. With All-on-4®, patients can easily adjust to their new dental restorations. They only need to follow a careful oral hygiene process and visit the dentist for checkups and cleaning.

The All-on-4® system averts jawbone loss caused by missing teeth, which is vital to maintain oral health and facial appearance. The procedure itself requires fewer surgeries and less downtime than getting complete single-implant restorations. The implant surgery can be completed in one appointment using local anesthetic. This effective system can serve as a lasting solution for qualifying patients, with a success rate of up to 98 percent.

Eligibility for All-on-4®

This unique system is a good option for patients who need to replace all their teeth. It is also an alternative for persons who may not have adequate healthy jawbones to support regular implants since the implant-supported restoration only requires four dental implants. This may also reduce treatment cost.

In summary

Dentists are committed to providing a smile makeover that not only recovers dental functions and restores oral health but also improves self-confidence for day-to-day living. During an All-on-4® consultation, the dentist performs a complete examination of the mouth to determine the condition of the teeth and jawbone. Depending on the oral health of the individual, the practitioner will recommend suitable treatment. The dentist will review the pros and cons of tooth restoration options with the patient and provide answers to questions about the procedure.

Request an appointment here: or call Highlands Family Dentistry at (214) 491-5362 for an appointment in our Dallas office.

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