How Implant Supported Dentures Can Improve Your Jaw Health

implant supported dentures Dallas, TX

Before implant supported dentures became a thing, people had to depend on dentures for restoring dental function after losing several teeth. However, conventional dentures had a significant drawback – they aid jawbone loss that causes deterioration of the facial structure and makes the dentures less fitting. Implant supported dentures solve that problem while performing full dental functions.

Implant supported dentures and jaw health

As the older bone cells die, the body produces new cells to replace them. The pressure produced when biting or chewing stimulates the process. This means that when the tooth is lost, the stimulus is lost as well, slowing down the cell replacement and causing gradual deterioration of bone volume and density.

Although regular dentures restore tooth function and appearance, they do not provide the stimulation required for bone health. Since they get support directly from the gum ridges, they can contribute to the loss of gum tissue and bone. Dental implant typically solves the bone loss problem since they are supported by implants and not the gums.

Using dental implants to support dentures has two major benefits. First, it curbs the irritation to the bone and gums caused by conventional dentures. The implants themselves can reduce the rate of bone loss or even stop it completely. Implants are generally created from titanium because it is biocompatible and can fuse with the bone. With time, bone cells grow around the implant post embedded in the jawbone. The implant provides the stimulation required to keep the jawbone alive and healthy.

In recent years, scientists have discovered a way to incorporate implants with dentures to function as teeth replacement. An option entails inserting two or more implants into the jaw and fitting custom, removable denture on them. Patients will be able to remove the denture easily for cleaning, get more stability for their dentures while reducing the risk of bone loss.

The other alternative is to have the denture connected permanently to dental implants. For this option to work, the patient’s jawbone must be healthy and adequate to hold between four to six implants. A fixed denture is usually more expensive and more complicated than removable dentures, but it feels more like natural teeth and helps to keep the bone healthy as well.

Why choose implant supported dentures

Although patients may pay more for implant supported dentures than traditional ones, it is still relatively less expensive than using one implant for each missing tooth. Aside from helping to slow down bone loss, implant supported dentures also have a proper fitting. Patients who want to get this tooth replacement option need to visit the dentist for a dental evaluation.

Implant supported dentures offer a better return on investment over a long time. Also, patients can enjoy their favorite meals and smile confidently without fearing that their dentures will slip out. The reliability and comfort are few of the reasons more people are turning to implant dentures for replacing missing teeth.

In conclusion

If you want to learn more about implant supported dentures and the benefits, consider booking an appointment with the dentist for a consultation.

Request an appointment here: or call Highlands Family Dentistry at (214) 491-5362 for an appointment in our Dallas office.

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